
ActiveCampaign ist eine Software für Email-Marketing, Marketing-Automation, Sales und CRM.

Connect ActiveCampaign

1. First create a product in your administration area or select "Edit" for an existing product.

2. In the product area, go to the "Connections" tab and select "Add connection" and the provider "ActiveCampaign" from the drop-down menu.

Anbindung für ActiveCamapign mit Affilicon einrichten

3. Here you need your API URL and API key. To do this, log into your ActiveCampaign account. In the settings, click on the "Developer" tab.

4. In the "API Access" area you will find the API URL and the API key. Copy these values and paste them into the corresponding lines in the AffiliCon administration area.

5. In the line "List" the lists you created in ActiveCampaign will open automatically. Here you select the list to which the data should be transferred from AffiliCon.

6. Optional: If you are using automation, please enter the automation IDs here.

7. optional: If you use tags, please enter the names of your tags here.

Click on "Add" to set up the connection to ActiveCampaign.