Digimember is a feature-rich and easy-to-use membership solution. You can register for Digimember under this link.
Connect Digimember
The following must first be done in the My-Area after your log-in to affilicon.net:
1. first create a product in your My-Area or select "Edit" for an already existing product in order to be able to connect it to DigiMember. 2. then go to the "Connections" tab and select "+ Add connection" in the drop-down menu.
2. Then go to the tab "Connections" and select the provider DigiMember in the drop-down menu "+ Add connection".
Select "Digimember". Please do not select Digimember 2.0.
After you have installed the DigiMember plugin in your WordPress, please go to the plugin settings.
Under your WordPress settings, you can select the DigiMember plugin and make all the other settings.
Create product in WordPress
1. First create a new product under "Products" by clicking on the button "+Add membership product" or "+Add download product".
2. Click on the tab "Payment" and then on "+Add New". Now please select AffiliCon as payment provider and add the "value" you received in our My-Area in the Digimember connection.
Attention: If you want to link a subscription product with Digimember, please do not enter the "value" but the AffiliCon product ID in Digimember.
3. Please click on "Apply changes".
The Digimember plugin will now generate a notification URL. Please copy this into the field provided for this purpose in the My area and then click on "Add".
After a purchase has been processed via AffiliCon, an email is sent with your customer's login details and you can find an overview of all orders received in the DigiMember "Orders" area.