This fulfilment service allows you to store your products with us. We then ship the products automatically with every sale. This saves you the entire shipping logistics!
How do I get a quote?
To request a customised quote from our fulfilment partner, please complete the following steps:
Possibility 1
Fill out the form for our logistics service and send it to We will then get back to you promptly with a personal offer!
Click here to download the questionnaire for our logistics services.
Possibility 2
1. log into your administration area and then click on "My products".
2. In the list of products you will find an "Edit" button next to each product.
3. Click on the "Edit" button and then on the "Shipping costs" tab to access the shipping and fulfilment area.
4. now you will see a fulfilment button, where you can get a quote from the fulfilment partner CommerceR Internet GmbH. Click on this button and fill out the questionnaire.
5. After you have filled out the questionnaire completely and clicked on the "Send request" button, your information will be forwarded to our partner. We will contact you shortly.
What does the process look like?
1. you send us a quote via one of the two options above.
2. we check your requirements and get back to you with an offer.
3. you deliver your products to our logistics service.
4. your sales are shipped automatically on a daily basis.
Do you have special shipping requirements?
You can use the tag function to send specific instructions to our logistics service. To do this, create a tag that begins with "SKU-" (capital letters with a hyphen without inverted commas). After the hyphen you can name the tags as you wish. These tags/info are then transmitted to our logistics or fulfilment service.